As a 360 photographer I often capture incredible spaces and views, but it’s great to be involved in a campaign which can make a real difference to people’s lives. I recently worked with M&C Saatchi on a campaign for Arthritis Research UK. Over 10 million people have arthritis, but the impact is not only on those suffering. Arthritis affects everyone, from employers losing employees through days off, to children whose parents or grandparents may be struggling, to the NHS resources required to treat and manage it. There’s also felt to be a lack of understanding of what it’s like to live with the condition and how wide-ranging are its affects on society.

‘The Nation’s Joint Problem’
We took locations you’d expect to be packed with people, and showed them deserted. The line for the image of an empty Oxford Circus was ‘These are the shoppers who don’t suffer from arthritis’. I shot the 360s to be used in an online ad campaign. It’s incredibly difficult to capture Oxford Circus in daylight with no people in. This is especially true when you’re shooting 360s, So, the secret was shooting it very early in the morning, after the clubbers go home and before the commuters come flooding in.
The locations were scouted by Locate Productions, the creatives were Harry Osborne and Sam Sword of M&C Saatchi, the stills photographer was Sebastian Nevols and the whole schebang was expertly produced by Kate Blumer.
360 Photographer
If you’re looking for a 360 photographer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.